The Middle Kingdom was from 2125 to 1650 B.C. It was generally a peaceful time. But at certain times many enemies were trying to push borders of Egypt outward. The Middle Kingdom started with king Nebhepetre Mentuhotep I who united all of Egypt again. He ruled for 51 years and his reign brought stability to Egypt.
The Eleventh Dynasty marks the beginning of the Middle Kingdom. Under the kings in the Middle Kingdom, trade with foreign countries began again, irrigation projects were repaired, and text writing began from scratch. The powers of many kings really didn't return to Egypt during that time. As the king's of Egypt began to regain authority over Egypt, wealth and population began to grow again. Much of the population came from non-Egyptians who migrated to the Nile for a good life. The foreigners greatly influenced the course of history in the Middle Kingdom.
The prosperity of this time lasted for a short period of time. Many kings of the Middle Kingdom greatly weakened the throne of Egypt. The dynasties went fom the eleventh to the seventeenth. During Amenemhet the third's reign, Egypt was properious until the flood of the Nile began to decrease. During the Thirteenth Dynasty the kings managed to keep control of the country of Egypt. (Bauer 178-179)
During the Forteenth Dynasty the kings began to weaken and lose power. The Hyksos invaded during this time and took over Egypt for two centuries. The word Hyksos means "ruler of foreign lands". The rule of the Hyksos brought the Bronze Age and with them they brought better weapons. In many ways the Hyksos were beneficial to the Egyptians. The Middle Kingdom was a turbulent period. Corruptions and rebellions were common in the Middle Kingdom. In the end new kings arose and pushed out the foreigners. This was the time when the New Kingdom began.
In the Middle Kingdom was a golden period for art and literature, with it many new ideas were introduced. The kings of the Middle Kingdom continued to build pyramids almost as big as the Great Pyramids, but less expensive. King Mentuhotep II seized control of Egypt and established the Eleventh Dynasty in the Middle Kingdom.
The rulers of the Middle Kingdom were known as savers in times of hardship. The Middle Kingdom also restored the sacral kingship and relflected upon that kingship. Egypt was strong and powerful for a time but later on it grew weaker and weaker. A reason why it became weaker was because of enemies attacking and weakening the strong points of the kingdom. The reason for the fall of the Middle Kingdom is unclear. The fall seems to resemble the fall of the Old Kingdom. (Assmann 119-120)
Bauer, Wise, Susan. The History of the Acient World. New York: Norton & Company, Inc, 2007
Assmann, Jan. The Mind of Egypt. New York: Henry Holt & Company, Inc, 1996