Rome has always been known as the beautiful city with Colosseum, sport arenas, basilicas,Roman baths and many more amazing sites and buildings. So many people picture Rome as an amazing place, what they don't realize is that it hasn't always been so beautiful. Roman buildings were built out of wood and stone, and the streets of Rome were disgusting dirty. Rome went through a time period where they had famines, flooding of rivers, fires, and this really put Rome in a bad place. Just like when someone says New York and people say I would love to live there, it's the same for Rome. People do not look at the details of Rome but instead only at the name, which in itself means so much.
Rome isn't all ugly, it does have amazing sites. It was preferable to live with in Rome rather than elsewhere because of its amazing sites and building though some were quite dumpy. It didn't really matter where you lived in Rome, whether it was nice or not it just was the thought of living there. A fitting place to start, for anyone at all interested in Roman history, would be in Rome. It may not be the prettiest place to visit, but there is a lot of history behind it. Just to be there and experience Rome, is a dream well known for. It's like brand name clothes, you got to have them, and when we hear of Rome we imagine how great it would be to live there. I think why it's a dream of many people is because it's a whole new culture and lifestyle.
Here in America we have everything handed to us but there people have to work to get somewhere. There was and still is the middle class and the upper class. Where you were born in a family depended on which class you were from. Life in Rome was a struggle to get to the top or be the best. The middle class and upper class both competed to be the best. But the upper class always had more privileges and rights. The only way you could move to a higher class was to be adopted into a family of an upper class. In Rome if you wanted if you wanted to make a change or difference you had to make a statement and let the people hear what you had to say.
To be able to fathom the understanding of living in Rome is not possible to figure out. Just to breath in the air, to be there gives you a whole new perspective on Rome. I hope that when I am a senior and I go to Rome that I will have an experience like that. Living in Rome was wasn't ever all fun in games, there was the threat of diseases, earthquakes, ad famines. Life in Rome wasn't easy. The boys went to school every day and the girls stayed home and took on the job of a mother. Women in the Roman minds weren't treated as well as the men were. Men excelled in Rome while women were left with the chores around the house. The boys had to be prepared for life and the challenges ahead of them.
How the Romans lived there lives depended on their class. The more upper class you were the more there was for you to do. The upper class was basically handed everything and the lower and middle classes had to work more to get what they wanted. Many people lived in Rome because that's where everyone was, it was the main part of Rome, the city. The Romans lived a similar life like us just in a different time in history. Something that really effected Rome was their emperors. Each time a different emperor came to rule, it would change Rome's society. Each emperor either helped Rome out or caused major damage. All in all to live in Rome would be a dream though it was never outstandingly beautiful. Most times beauty isn't important, it's what you make of life and what you do to make a difference. In conclusion Rome just was the best place to live, just like many other places today, it's not about where you live it's about what you do to make the best out of it.