Saturday, May 30, 2009

the greatest subject ive learned this semester

The most important thing I have learned about this semester is about Renaissance music and the scientific revolution. I have learned lots of information this semester and all in all it has been a good year. I think the reason why i picked these two has the most important is because both were very interesting to me and i liked learning about them.

The music of Renaissance was European classical music written around 1400 to 1600. Music during this time had some major changes throughout the Renaissance. The violin, flute and organ were developed. Music was less important before this time and it was performed only in churches and it began to be part of the entertainment for the theater. During 1600 to 1750, music required a great number of singers and players. This type of Renaissance music began in Florence, Italy. They were trying to revive the Greek drama but they produced something new, which was known as opera.

The Renaissance was the golden age of the cappella style. Cappella was when singers sang without instruments. During this period vocal music was still more important than instrumental music. Secular music is non-religious music that started to become more popular. Instrumental music and dance music also started to become popular. Madrigals was secular music that became popular during the Renaissance. These type of songs were performed in groups of four, five, or six people. They were usually known as love songs.

Most of the music of this period had to do with religious matters. Practically all the music was composed for the Church. Most of rthe songs were not accompanied by any sort of instrument. Also most of the music was written and sung in Latin. Later on the music began to change songs written about love or poetry. The role of music was very important to the people that lived during the Renaissance. The culture, money, and trade brought new ideas for music. Composers started to develop new ways to make music with all of the new money.

The Scientific Revolution it was not marked be the rapid change and overthrow of traditional authority that we normally associate with the word revolution. It did overturn centuries of scientific. Many educated Europeans took an intense interest in the world around them. Medieval "natural philosophers" as medieval scientists were known during the Scientific Revolution. Renaisssance artists also made a huge impact on scientific study. Their desire to imitate nature led them to make a close observation of nature. Their aacurate paintings of rocks, plants, animals, and human anatomy established new standards for the study of natural objects.