Saturday, October 30, 2010

My point of view on Proposition 20

The main point of Proposition is that someone will be put in place who decides who moves the boundaries . The Legislature is usually the person that is the decision maker when it comes to moving the boundaries. Basically this proposition just puts a middle man between the legislature and the people voting. This proposition is adding another step in the process of moving districts when it comes to voting.

Voting yes for this proposition would give power to a middle man to be able to manipulate the situation that has to do with moving districts. Voting no on this proposition means that there will be no change and the legislature would still make the overall decision. A yes vote would determine the boundaries of California's districts, and would be given to the Citizens Redistricting Commission, which is someone who would be placed above U.S citizens. A no vote means that the boundaries of California's district would remain with the Legislature.

A pro to the proposition would be that having a redistricting commission would draw more fair districts for the legislature and congress. A con to it is that it would cost a lot of money. I think that the con far outweighs the pro in this situation. If this proposition is going to cost us more money in the long run then Im not sure its a smart way to go.

My point of view on proposition 20 is that it's not a smart path to take especially since there is already debt to pay off. If proposition 20 is going to cost us lots of money just to place a middle man between us and the legislature then I do not agree with it and I would vote no. It all comes down to what is best for California and my vote would be based on that idea.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Funding for my future education

In order to pay for college I found some scholarships that I hope I will get to help me out. The sources that I used to look for these scholarships came from many different sites. THis project has not only made me look for scholarships, its encouraged me to keep looking for and possible way to earn money for college. My plan is to continue to look for more scholarships the rest of the year. The method I am using is to apply for as many scholarships I can up until graduation. My goal is to at least earn a minimum of 10,000 dollars for college. I would love to earn more then 10,000 dollars, so that is why I am going to keep applying to many throughout the year.

The websites that I used for this project were,, and Each site had tons of scholarships that I could choose from. I applied for about eight scholarships so far. Two of the eight scholarships required me to write an essay. One of the scholarships was strictly for students who were planning on going into a nursing program in college. The nursing scholarship said it would give 1000 dollars if I got picked for it. I am hoping that out of all the scholarships I applied for, that I will at least get one. The scholarships ranged from about 1000 dollars up to 20,000 dollars.

My method to earning money for college is to apply for one scholarship each week. I am also planning on saving any money I get or earn towards college. It may not be a lot of money by the end of the year, but every dollar counts. Another part to my method is to continue to look for more scholarships, that I will be more likely to win. I know that the Blood Drive gives away scholarships each year to students, and this is something I am going to look into. During the beginning stages of looking for scholarships, I plan on applying for any type of scholarship and as the year goes on I plan on narrowing it down and looking for specific scholarships. I am going to look more into my options when it comes to scholarships and I am hoping by the end to have some money for college.