The Odyssey was written down by the Greek poet Homer around 700 BC. Although the story itself is probably older. It is the story of King Odysseus' who is trying to return from the Trojan War to his kingdom of Ithaca. It was a small island on the far side of Greece from Troy. Odysseus has trouble getting home because the gods are angry at him, because he did not respect them. Especially the god Poseidon was angry with him and he caused Odysseus time and made it take longer to get back to Ithaca.
The Odyssey starts out on Mount Olympus, where the gods are talking about the humans and their determination to blame things on the gods. Athena favored Odysseus and helped him when he was in time of need. Athena then goes to Telemachus disguised as Mentes, she advices him to call an assembly of the men of Ithaca, to complain of the behaviour of the suitors. Then Athena tells him to go on a quest to find his father in Pylos and Sparta. When suitors find out they taunt him but he prays to Athena for help. She helps Telemachus by putting the suitors in a deep sleep so that he could sail to find his father. (Homer 411 and 422)
In The Odyssey is about two separate but powerful men and how they come together to make an inspirational story about one man and how he tries to get home. Odysseus is a great and noble hero, he is an inspiration to us even though the story was just a myth. He is so inspiring because he represents strength and courage. He has the ability to be witty and powerful. He went to the underworld and returned in one piece. He makes the story of the Odyessy more interesting. It provides a picture of life in Ancient Greece and it shows us what it was like then. (bookrags)
The book the Aeneid was still being written by Virgil in 19 B.C before he died . The main character in this story is Aeneas. He is the leader of the Trojans and he is the only surviving person to escape the siege of Troy. Aeneas found the Roman race in Italy and the Golden Age of Rome. The story is basically about how Aeneas is destined to found Rome and how he will accomplish a powerful Roman country. The Aeneid was written in a meter based on a combination of long and short syllables. It was written to be read rather than recited or performed.
The book the Aeneid is Heroic epic and a mythological story. So is the book the Odyssey. Both were written in Latin and both are epic poems written by great authors of Ancient Greece. The theme of the Aeneid is about fate and the suffering of wanderers. but it is also about the glory of Rome and how they conquered. The Odyssey is more about love and sacrifice.
Homer. The Iliad and the Odyssey. 1942. Walter J. Black, Inc.
Online Books about the Aeneid
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