It was often said that all roads to lead to Rome and they once did. The building of the Roman roads was one of the greatest engineering accomplishments during that time. The roads were originally built as a path for the soldiers but they also were used for the people of Rome. The ancient Roman roads were also used to transport trade since though they were excellent at sea transportation. The Roman roads were built in a straight path even over steep hills. The surface of the road was made of large slabs of hard stone, rested on a bed of smaller stones and cemented down about 3 ft thick. The Roman roads were usually hard and rough and many people usually walked or road on horses. The Romans build one of the first roads ever made.
The Roman roads was a system of highways that led to Rome with its most distant provinces. The roads were not built only once, they had to be rebuilt several times. The main purpose was for the military but they were used for many other things. The roads went in many different directions in Italy. The importance of the roads were that it brought a new way of transportation. Since the Romans loved exotic things, the roads made it an easier and faster way to travel. Cement was very important to the Romans, it provided many ways of building things, like the roads.
The engineers of Ancient Rome built a network of roads in the ancient world, that are still known today. About 50,000 miles of roads expanded the Roman Empire which spreaded its legions, culture and caused a major influence throughout the world. The more people that came to Rome caused the expansion of land, which then lead to roads being built. The Romans had one tool that made the roads easier to travel on, that was cement. The cement they laid down on the roads kept down the mud and made it possible for people to travel during the rainy season. The roads provided not only a way of trading but communication. The Romans were able to go and visit friends and family in different cities.
The Roman roads were vital to the Roman society because without them, it made it more complicated for the military to travel. The Roman roads were built in many different areas and they led to several different places within the Roman Empire. The roads were a major investment for Rome which helped built the Roman society. The first road ever built was the Via Appia, that was started by Appius Claudius Caecus in 312 BC. The Via Appia ran southwest out of Rome. The Generals were expected to provide the money to build the roads or had to use the money out of their own pockets. The heaviest traveled roads went from inland to local ports in the cities and from ports to Rome in Italy. These roads were the ones that had to be rebuilt over time because of people traveling on them so much.
The Roman roads were called long highways. And these highways were very important in maintaining the stability and expansion of the empire. Without the roads, the Roman Empire would have suffered and would have been less powerful. The Roman roads were designed to organize resistance against the Empire and the roads had about 372 links for traveling. The Roman roads were essential for the growth and survival of the Roman empire. Before their was roads people wouldn't be able to travel when it was raining because the dirt road would be muddy. But when the roads were made it made it so much easier to travel. The Roman roads brought great power to the Roman Empire. (Book rags) and (Adkins)
Adkins, Lesly and Roy A. Adkins. "Handbook to the Life in Ancient Rome." New York. 1994.
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