Islam and Christianity both are considered monotheistic religions because both believe in one God. Both Islam and Christianity recognize that there God as the Creator of the world. Another similarity is that God is omnipotent and immanent within His creation yet he is transcendent. Christianity and Islam believe in many of the same things, but they do have differences within each one. The main difference between Islam and Christianity is that Muhammad isn't considered divine but Jesus is. Within Islam, Jesus is considered a prophet but not the son of God. They believe that Muhammad was the last prophet or messenger of God. Another main difference is that Muslims see no separation between their religion and political authority but Christianity sees this situation completely different. (Discussion/Movie notes)
Christianity believes that there is only one true God and that people are to worship him only. This is the same within Islam. It is said that both believe that Jesus died on the cross but that the Muslims don't believe he rose from the dead. Within that situation, the people of Islam believed that Allah tricked them and put another man in his place. Christians believe in the Bible and the Muslims believe in the Koran. Christianity believes that God gave and presented his word in the Bible. Islam however, believes that Allah has given his eternal, uncreated Koran or Quran to the Muslim people.
Christianity and Islam both, believe that Satan exists, as well as evil spirits and that they are known as enemies to mankind. Another main difference is that Islam does not believe in the trinity but Christianity does. The Islamic people believe Jesus and Muhammad both were a Prophet and a servant of God but that Muhammad was the last Prophet sent by God to guide the people. Prayer was one of the most important things to Christians and Muslims. They believe prayer is a way of communicating with God and how God hears our prayers and sometimes grants what we ask of him. Something I found quite interesting was that not only does Christianity believe in faith without works is dead but so does Islam. My question is how could two religions who believe in the same God, have totally different ways of life? The majority of rituals and beliefs within each religion are quite different from each other. The main theological differences between Christianity and Islam were that both had different beliefs within the religion, different views of God, and different views of Creation. (bookrags)
The people of Islam believe that when we die we will go to barzakh, an interim afterlife, where we will wait until Judgment Day. But Christians believe that when we die, we are immediately judged and sent to Heaven or Hell, this is based on whether we excepted Christ or not. As I already had said, that Christians believe in the trinity, the Muslims believe in indivisible. It is mandatory for Muslims to face Mecca and prayer five times every day but as for Christians we have no such obligation of this.
From doing this blog I have learned that there is far more similarties between Islam and Christianity but at the same time there are many differences. Though there are a few similarities between Islam and Christianity, Muslims do not believe in that Jesus was the son of God, though they believe him to have been a prophet, they are missing the main purpose of who he is. F Muslims do not hold to any assurance of salvation and therefore they do not feel that it is necessary for Jesus to pay for their sins. Instead Muslims believe that every man must pay for his or her own sins; and that for Jesus to be punished for our sins would be unjust. Christians however, believe that man had no ability to pay for his sins alone because without God's grace we cannot be saved.
Movie/ Discussion notes
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